The Ospreys Supporters Club Constitution
The name of the Club is Ospreys Supporters Club (hereafter known as “The Club”).
The Objectives of the club shall be:
- To provide activities and services for the benefit of those who support Ospreys Rugby and specifically.
- To assist supporters wishing to travel to away games through the provision of transport and/or travel advice.
- To organise and promote social facilities and/or activities.
- To engage in fund-raising for the benefit of Ospreys Rugby and/or nominated charities.
- To undertake other appropriate activities.
- To promote the interests of supporters and Ospreys Rugby and to aid in relations and mutual understanding between the parties and other relevant bodies.
- To support the teams and players both on and off the field.
- To foster good relations with rugby supporters from other clubs and at all times act as ambassadors of Ospreys Rugby.
- To work to improve match-day experience at home games.
- To help maintain the Ospreys brand by promoting the age grade and development sections, as well as the grass roots game in the region.
All “Season Ticket” holders will, automatically, become members.
- The affairs of the club shall be managed by the Officers and the Executive Committee. The Officers of the club shall be the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Secretary, the Treasurer, Media and Digital Officer and the President. The Committee shall consist of no more than twelve elected members, including the Officers. In addition, members from Ospreys Rugby may be invited to attend committee meetings, by the Executive Committee.
- Club Officers will be elected from within the committee.
- Committee members shall be selected via elections at the AGM. Duration of tenure shall be 3 years, before becoming eligible for further re-election.
- All committee members shall be season ticket holders aged 18 years and older.
- Any “co-opted” members will undergo the selection process for full Committee membership at the next AGM.
- The business of the committee shall not be transacted unless it is a quorum and the meeting of the committee shall only be a quorum if greater than 50% of the current committee are in attendance.
- Notice of the time and place of each meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all Members of the Committee at least seven days before the date of the meeting. The Committee shall meet at least six times a year.
- In the event that one of the Officers shall resign or otherwise become permanently unable to continue, the Committee shall elect one of their members to perform the role. However, no Officer shall hold more than one Officer position in the club at any one time.
- From time to time, the Committee may ask individual members of the club to take specific roles in organising or helping in organising events, activities etc. The Committee shall be empowered to invite such persons to Committee meetings to participate in discussions on the activity but they shall not have decision making power at Committee.
- The Secretary or nominated Minutes Secretary will record the minutes of all meetings, but not limited to General, Special and Committee Meetings.
- Committee Members are required to attend 75% of all committee meetings in any given season.
- It is expected that committee members attend at least 75% of home games in any season and contribute to pre and post match activities, either in the Riverside Lounge, by facilitating home game transport or other matchday functions as required.
- With regards to points 11 and 12, mitigating circumstances such as ill health, work commitments or other exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration if a Committee member is unable to completely fulfil these obligations.
Annual General Meeting: An Annual General Meeting shall be held after the end of the rugby season and within six weeks of the start of the new season, wherever possible. At least 14 clear days’ notice shall be given, to all members of the club, of the date, time and place of the meeting. This notice will be made via social media and posted on the Ospreys Supporters Club website. Proposed and Seconded motions must be made in writing at least seven days before the Annual General Meeting, signed by Proposer and Seconder.
Notifications of these motions will be given at least four days before the Annual General Meeting via the Ospreys Supporters Club website. The purpose of the meeting shall be to transact the business of the club and the approval of the accounts for the preceding year.
The authorised Cheque signatories should consist of at least three members of the Committee. Cheques must be signed by any one of the authorised signatories.
The Club’s financial year is from 1st June to 31st May.
When vacancies appear within the committee, the committee may advertise for replacements via the Ospreys Supporters Club website, social media and matchday programme. Any applications for a vacant position must be received in writing or via e-mail by the club Secretary no later than the date(s) posted for applications. Each application must be seconded and provide contact details for both applicant and seconder. The Committee will then select the most suitable candidate based on the skills required and the suitability of the candidate for the given role.
Special General Meeting:
The Committee, at any time, on its own authority or upon receipt of a written application, signed by not less than 100 members, setting of the reason for such meeting, shall call a Special General Meeting and must, within fourteen days of receipt of the application, serve notice of such meeting, giving the date, time and place thereof together with a copy of the agenda. This notice shall be made via social media and shall be posted on the Ospreys Supporters Club website.
At any Special General Meeting 100 members and 75% of the Committee shall form a quorum.
Meetings with Ospreys Rugby:
As a minimum, meetings with Ospreys rugby shall be requested on a quarterly basis.
Only Season Ticket holders aged 18 and over may vote at any General Meeting. Members can vote by proxy on any resolutions.
The result of a vote at a General Meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of votes given, either by “show of hands” or by “secret ballot”.
If any Committee member be alleged to have brought the club into disrepute or to have behaved in a manner unbecoming to a member of the club or has been found guilty of any criminal behaviour then the remaining Committee members shall have the power to suspend the membership of such a member. At least 14 days prior to any meeting of the Committee at which any action in relation to such allegation is to be determined, notice of the allegation and the meeting shall be given to the member and he/she shall be given opportunity to make representation in writing and in person before any determination by the Committee. Any decision shall be affected only by a resolution passed by the votes of two-thirds of the membership of the Committee present and voting and such decision shall be binding on that member. Members suspended may subsequently have their membership terminated only at the next General Meeting by a majority vote of all members present and voting.
Constitutional Disputes:
In the event of a dispute over interpretation over the Rules of the Constitution, the majority decision of elected officers will determine the intended meaning. In the event of no majority, the chair’s decision is final.
Alterations to the Constitution:
These rules may only be amended, altered or rescinded by Special Resolution at an Annual General Meeting, passed by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. Notice of the proposed alterations to these rules must be given in the Notice of Meeting.
The club may only be wound up by the passing of a Special Resolution at a General Meeting called for that purpose and by a resolution supported by at least 75% of the Members of the Club attending the meeting. In the event of such dissolution the remaining funds and assets of the club shall be distributed to any charity connected with the game of Rugby Union, selected by the Committee.
October 2022