
Cardiff Blues Supporters’ Club Sarah Hopkins, Catherine Smart, David Elsmere

CRYS16 Barrie Jones, Ian Lewis, Gareth Payne

Dragons Official Supporters’ Club Dan Hallett, Ryan Price

Ospreys Supporters’ Club Nigel Jones, Grant Berni, Lynne Jones

Welsh Rugby Union Martyn Phillips, Mark Killingley



  1. Update on Project Reset and the way forward
  2. Player retention/pay bands
  3. Communication from this meeting
  4. Any Other Business


SH thanked MP and MK for meeting with the JSG so soon after the last meeting. It was acknowledged that things had changed reasonably substantially since the last meeting and that updates from PRB statements had confirmed the change in position.


1 – Update on Project Reset

MP said that it was no longer deemed to be ‘Project Reset’ as the new legal agreement was now in place and was no longer a project. Future reference should be made to the Professional Rugby Strategy which covered the five Professional Entities (the four regions and the WRU).

PRB were focussed on doing right thing for the game and whilst it was agreed that the current position was ‘business as usual’, the facts remain that transformational change is required to enable 4 professional teams in change to be sustainable and competitive.

JSG asked whether consideration had been given to the appointment of a Supporter Director on the PRB. MP said that this wasn’t really on the agenda and that the focus was on appointment of non-exec Directors as they can bring required skills to the board. In addition, it was not possible to make room for all stakeholder representatives on the PRB – e.g. the players also wanted representation which had resulted in far more regular dialogue between the PRB and the Players association (WRPA) and the players themsleves. He confirmed that members of the PRB have fiduciary duties.


However, it was noted that PRB wanted and needed to take the views and feedback from supporters into account, and that the JSG would be the preferred option to do this more formally and on a regular basis together with supporter forums at local level.

MP went on to say that since 2016, there had been an increase in funding from WRU to the regions from £10 to £20m. This totalled around £32m when competition income was included to the four regions, in addition to the clubs’ commercial and ticketing income generated locally. Whilst the improvement is welcome there remains much to do with the 5 entities working interdependently.

There was a detailed discussion in respect of the supporter experience and ticketing. MK said that the research seemed to suggest that the price of season tickets were too low but that the overall price point on match tickets was about right. One of the key requirements for all regions was to drive attendances up. There was agreement from all that regions could and should do better – but under resourced in commercial departments.

JSG pointed out that the structure of the season was not helpful and with regular changes from International periods to league and Europe, the season tended to lose momentum. MP acknowledged that this was a difficult position which was under constant review. MP confirmed that there is Private Equity interest in the PRO14, but that this was primarily a matter for the PRB to consider.

JSG representatives raised some frustrations about regional teams not using players to better leverage their brand and start to build on international successes back in the local areas.  

JSG and WRU agreed that a lot of the media articles written about the regions seemed to have a negative spin – intended to ‘create a good headline’ – which was undermining the hard work being undertaken by the regions and not encouraging people who were not already committed to regional rugby to have a desire to attend. As an example of this, MP handed out a copy of a graph showing the increased funding given to the Regions by the WRU. Funding had doubled since 2016.

MP reminded JSG that there were seven agreed key indicators of success for the regions, Including:

  • Welsh International players
  • Youth Development and Academy
  • Management structure / coaching / governance
  • Community
  • Marketing

Work is ongoing on a formula based funding model going forward to better link funding to these areas of success.

A question was asked about the commercial structure:

Rugby Board – Team Managers from regions and Head Coaches

Business Board – tasked with reducing costs, leveraging economies of scale and increasing income.


2 – Player Retention and Pay Bands

JSG asked about the recent departures of promising young players and whether the changes to the pay bands were preventing the retention of key talent. MP said that, whilst he was not prepared to discuss individual players, some wanted to seek a different experience and that pay bands were not a factor in their decisions.

JSG asked whether regions were able to ‘top-up’ the pay bandings offered to individual players – thus encouraging players to choose one region over another. MP confirmed that this was allowed, but only to the top of the relevant banding which have been agreed by the Regions and WRPA. There was a further discussion about the perceived value of a player being different to different regions based on their depth in that particular position. MP confirmed that the reason for a band with a lower and upper limit was to cater for this eventuality.

The discussion moved onto whether the first season of working with Premier Sports had been deemed a success for the Pro 14. MP said that feedback seemed positive and that he understood viewing figures for the coverage to be broadly in line with that experienced by the BBC when all games are taken into account. He reminded JSG that BBC did not formally bid to cover the Pro 14. JSG members said that the coverage was good and it was encouraging to see decent exposure on regional rugby, as national media outlets traditionally focused on Team Wales. MP agreed and indicated that the PRB were increasing its focus on exposure for the Professional rugby brands in 2019 onwards.

MP agreed that the focus from the media on Team Wales did not help the regions and that he would prefer to see more balanced coverage. He said that there was work to do to educate many people attending Wales games that the team were successful because of, and not in spite of, the regional teams.

The Union is working with Regions in an effort to cut costs across the board. Savings are being made by agreeing deals where all Regions use the one travel company for travelling arrangements. Kit sponsorship is also being considered, but currently Regions have arrangements in place which end at different times.


3 – Communication from this meeting

Notes of the meeting would be produced by JSG and circulated to the group prior to publishing to members.


4 – AOB

There was no other business and it was agreed that the group would meet again in a few months – date tbc.


This morning, members of the OSC committee met with Andrew Millward (managing director), Peter Owen (media manager), Adam Palfrey (commercial manager),  Paul Wapham (OiTC).

We discussed the concerns of supporters based on rumours, speculation and conflicting press statements.

To this end, we were advised that a Q&A evening has been arranged for season ticket holders which will be held at the Liberty Stadium on Tuesday 12th March (full details on Ospreys website here ).  This will be an opportunity for season ticket holders to put questions to Andrew Millward, Allan Clarke and representatives from the Ospreys board of directors.

It is apparent to the OSC committee that statements released by Scarlets Rugby and PRB were misleading and did not accord with that said at a meeting with the WRU/PRB last Monday attended by members of the OSC committee and other members of the JSG (Joint Supporters Group).   Accordingly, as a committee, we fully support the Ospreys board in the decisions taken to date and for the way forward.

We would urge supporters to attend Tuesday’s Q&A and ignore the speculation and ill informed comments appearing on social media.

As a committee, we will continue to work closely with the Ospreys management and ensure that supporters are kept informed of all developments at the earliest opportunity.

We fully encourage everybody to turn up for the final home game of the season against the Dragons on 23rd March and show your support.


Yesterday, representatives of the Joint Supporters Group which includes Cardiff Blues Supporters Club , Dragons Official Supporters Club, Ospreys Supporters and Crys 16 met with the Chief Exec of the WRU, Martyn Phillips along with Ryan Jones – both who sit on the PRB.

The update we received was completely in line with what’s been reported in the media before today.

It would now seem that the situation has dramatically changed in light of reported events and the statement via the Ospreys today, and the subsequent statement by PRB which confirms what we were told yesterday.

We were assured that the recommendation to proceed with 4 regions based in the North, South, West and East of Wales was agreed unanimously by all PRB representatives which includes the Chairs of each of our regional Boards. We were assured that the proposed changes are financially focused and aim to tap into new markets both on and off the field, as well as evolve the regional structure to one which is more future proofed than the existing model. This of course would have a huge impact for the Ospreys and Scarlets.

Last night we expressed our sadness and anger at the disregard for existing supporters who have been deemed ‘expendable’ when compared to a potential new market. Members from OSC and Crys 16 passionately explained the impact they felt this would have on them and the wider supporter base of the Ospreys and Scarlets. CBSC and DOSC fully supported this position.

We also expressed our complete disappointment on behalf of all supporters of professional rugby in Wales at the lack of communication during the discussions over the last few months regarding ‘Project Reset’. This was recognized by Martyn and Ryan who said that it was difficult to communicate when positions and decisions were changing by the day.

Members of the JSG are united in the belief that regional rugby supporters have largely been ignored and excluded from any of consultation during this period, with the exception of some more regional communications at the Scarlets. We have agreed that we stand together as announcements and decisions are made, and we support each other and the stance that all existing regions should remain. There are precious few people putting money into the regional game in Wales and we represent those that do … so as you would expect, we have requested a follow up meeting in the coming weeks which was agreed.

We will of course provide our members and the wider supporter community with further updates as soon as they are available.

The Joint Supporters Club represents the four official Supporters organisations for the Welsh region (Crys16, Ospreys Supporters Club, Cardiff Blues Supporters CLub and Dragons Supporters Club).

This year, the Ospreys Supporters Club will be donating proceeds from OSC pin badge sales to Paul’s nominated testimonial charities.  

Paul has decided to support the Mind Charity as part of his Testimonial activities as mental health is something that is of great importance to him. Although there has been an increase in media exposure of the topic of late, he still feels that the level of public support and understanding of mental health has a long way to go.

Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They can campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.

In addition to Mind, Paul will also be supporting charities local to where his events are held during the year.

Inaugural Dinner

As part of Paul’s testimonial year, there will be a dinner at the Towers Hotel on 29th November with guests including Ospreys legends Shane Williams & James Hook.

For more information, have a look at the website

To book or for further inquiries, email

if you want to have a discussion about anything OSC or travel arrangements, we are setting up the facilities for people to chat (in one place).

You need to register with us to use the website.  Last time we did this, we had lots of users struggle to log in but you’ll have to persevere and we will help you log in as required (and get the facility to register new users back online ASAP).

This is just a trial…….

The Supporters’ Club is holding it’s Annual General Meeting in the Press Room at the Liberty Stadium on 17th September at 7.00pm.  All OSC members are welcome to the meeting. This is a good opportunity to speak to the OSC Committee and to other members of the Supporters’ Club.

In line with our revised constitution, three of the current committee will be up for re-election.  This season this is made up of committe members co-opted since the last AGM (Ann Taylor & Ian Taylor) and the longest serving committee member (Keith Collins).  So, we are currently receiving nominations from those that are interested in joining us (closing date for nominations is 3rd September). If you would like to get more involved in the OSC or if you would like to contact a member of the committee to find out more about who we are and what we do, please email

I look forward to seeing you then,

Keith Collins
Secretary, Ospreys Supporters Club

Date: Tuesday 8th May 2018

Time: 6.30 – 8.30 pm

Location: Bridgend.


PRW: Mark Davies, Antonia Lamont

Ospreys: Supporters Club: Grant Berni, Keith Collins, Nigel Jones

Dragons: Official Supporters Club: Dan Hallet

CBSC: Sarah Hopkins, Dave Ellsmere

Crys 16: Barrie Jones, Ian Lewis, Gareth Payne.


Agenda items

1. Judgement day

2. RSA and future for SA teams

3. New TV deal and sponsorships

4. Fixture notification and spread of fixtures

5. Appointment of match officials

6. Relationships with WRU and Regions

Summary/topics discussed

  1. Judgement Day VI

First point was raised by CRYS16, that its members were unhappy with seating arrangements on Judgement Day. Fans of the regions were unable to sit together which contributed to lack of atmosphere. CRYS16 asked whether in future each Region could be assigned a Block/Tier in the stadium so that supporters could be together. Others present echoed the feelings that their own fans had raised the same concern. MD pointed out that Judgement Day was a tri partite agreement between the Cardiff Blues, Dragons and the WRU.  Pro Rugby Wales supports the organisation and promotion of Judgement Day as the representative organisation for the four professional teams, but is not contractually responsible for the event with no financial stake. However, MD confirmed that he was more than happy to raise the matter and will speak to Craig and Martyn at WRU on behalf of JSG.

MD and AL acknowledged that it seems reasonable that the commitment of the season ticket holders of the four professional regions (circa 15,000 supporters) who back their teams all season long, should be recognised in the organisation of the Judgement Day event.

Attendees from Cardiff Blues and Dragons pointed out that their own fans felt somewhat short changed with the arrangements. As they correctly pointed out, it is their home fixture, but their own fans also experienced ticketing difficulties. MD asked about arrangements when e.g. Ospreys attend Parc y Scarlets. It was however agreed that this is a different scenario as in that instance the Scarlets has to work around their own ST holders. Judgement Day at the Principality Stadium is more of a blank canvass. Dragons and Cardiff Blues fans group have raised the issue with their own clubs and with the WRU but to no avail so far. One suggestion was that ST holders be located in the middle tier of the Principality. Again, MD confirmed he would mention this request when he speaks to Craig and Martyn.

Another issue is the ‘gap’ between the two matches. Some fans leave after the first game, whilst others arrive in time for the second match. MD and AL confirmed that the extended gap between the games is driven by the broadcast timings due to separate BBCW and S4C transmission “slots”. It may be possible to improve this position with the new Broadcast partners, so MD will investigate with Craig.

JSG members also raised the opportunity for season ticket promotion and sales at this key event.  They believed more could be done to entice new season ticket holders at this event as it attracted a wide base of support from inside and outside Wales. 

MD outlined that the new collaborative digital data system that has been adopted between WRU and the 4 Regions on the initiative of Martyn and Mark Killingley, should allow greater transparency and sharing, subject to data protection legislation and new rules effective May 2018, to allow greater targeting re ST sales pre/post JD events. MD stated that certainly, it has had a significant impact on both season ticket and match day ticket performance so far.   

It was noted that Blues & Dragons representatives confirmed that the current Judgement Day agreement runs out at the end of next season (May 2019).


  1. RSA

MD was asked to provide an outline of progress towards a new agreement with WRU. MD confirmed that the Current RSA agreement will run until 2020. PRW, the Regions and WRU have been working together on the direction of a new agreement for the past 18 months.  Unlike the previous situation, there is now complete agreement that the international and professional club game are inter-reliant.  The international game still generates the greatest revenue to fund all levels of the game, including the Regional game, with the four Regions providing the development platform that results in the International players that generate the revenue. MD confirmed that Martyn Phillips is very clear about the relationship of inter-reliance and the ongoing work around governance in the professional game is based on developing a truly collective structure and relationship for the professional game in Wales.

Martyn is leading the work to develop a sustainable model that will work for Wales with the objective of ensuring the professional and community game both have the focus and investment they need to thrive, driving and using both central and local resource. The direction of the new agreement is currently being worked in parallel with changes to the governance of the WRU which is designed to ring fence and protect the Community game as the foundation of the sport, while establishing a Professional Game Board which will be properly constituted, with the right skillset and able to make decisions. It will be made up of WRU Representatives, Regions Chairman, independent Non-Executives and an independent Chairman. In answer to a question from JSG, MD confirmed it will be similar in concept but much more effective than the PRGB briefly convened in 2012. MD confirmed that both Martyn Philips and Gareth Davies are committed to creating a PRB with the right level of experience and skill, working together to deliver sustainable and successful professional rugby in Wales. That degree of true cooperation with the right skillset is not something that Welsh rugby has been able to deliver previously.  

Progress is being made on the body of a new Operating agreement (RSA), with all parties approaching the task from a new perspective and a “clean sheet” with clear objectives. WRU and the Regions are now working hard on properly understanding how to achieve the objectives and in what timescale. There is a real intention that the rugby and commercial sides of the WRU and the four professional clubs will work together to achieve the aims.

Representatives continue to meet on pretty much a bi-weekly basis and are making steady progress on an operational agreement with proper objectives for Welsh Rugby. To do that requires a level of stark honesty to recognise the current situation and a focus on what is required to achieve success. All parties need to understand & agree how they interact and put all of this together in one place. MD said he was ‘really encouraged’ by the work being done to put together the collaborative framework that will deliver results in the club game and the 2023/27 World Cups.

Representatives of the JSG asked about the timeline for this being completed.  MD said that as the existing agreement lasts until 2020, all parties were focused on agreeing the right framework rather than imposing a timescale, but that at this stage he believed there would certainly be something ‘more solid’ by the end of this year (2018), perhaps a little earlier. MD once again stated that Welsh Professional Rugby was in a ‘very different place’ to the time at which the original RSA was signed.  A coherent agreement is being worked on between the WRU and the 4 Regions, but of course must also be led by the changes in WRU governance, which go to their AGM in October. MD is confident that a good outcome for the game can be reached.


  1. South African involvement in PRO14

It was agreed by all in the meeting that the involvement of the SA teams has gone well. MD said it was felt at PRO14 that it was “really good, better than expected”. Whilst the Kings have struggled due to the fact that they had lost their player base and had no pre-season, the Cheetahs did make the play offs at their first attempt. MD confirmed his belief that with their first break in 18 months, a full pre-season and effective recruitment, both teams will be stronger next season. All four Welsh professional teams have reported that they have benefited from their trips to SA in that squads have had significantly more time together.

SARFU have been delighted with the exposure of their regions to differing rugby styles in the NH. The SA national team will similarly benefit in the longer term. It is also working from a commercial viewpoint, in that SA has a big rugby market (57m). The PRO14 so far however have not tapped into sponsorship outside of the TV companies and there is more work to be done from next season onwards.  However, PRO14 are now looking to appoint someone on the ground in SA to exploit this opportunity. SA rugby is massively supportive, especially of the community activity that the visiting Pro14 teams have undertaken and are very proud that the SA government has commended SARFU for the way in which rugby has tackled diversity and achieved their inclusivity targets. At the same time, SARFU are undertaking some internal restructuring, including expanding the number of professional franchises from 6 to 8, which may result in more opportunity for Pro14 expansion at some point in the future. All the franchises within SA are, of course, watching the Cheetah’s and King’s progress in Pro14 with interest, along with the strategic review currently being undertaken by Sanzar/Super Rugby.

MD stated that we shouldn’t underestimate that we now have 5 tier one rugby nations playing in our competition – 50% of the tier one nations that exist.

Asked about the financial benefit from the SA agreement to the Regions, MD stated that of course the Regions still have to manage every single £1 of cost and revenue, especially with player salary inflation running at 26% pa over the last 2 years, but progress has been made to increase revenue into the Regional game, including the RSA (compared to the previous PA), Pro14 Destination finals and increased sponsorship, the introduction of the SA teams and SA broadcasters, the UK & Ireland revenues from new broadcast partners and, of course, improved Commercial activity at a local level. MD hopes that despite the massive increases in player costs, the constant efforts of everybody in containing costs and driving revenue means that the Regional game continues to offer tremendous value for money for supporters, with significantly different styles of play and game plan across 5 nations and 14 clubs, compared to any other league competition.       


  1. Broadcasters Update

In responding to the request for an outline of the new broadcast package, MD gave the following overview. Sky Sports business model is clearly driven by the high costs of securing football coverage, so it is perhaps understandable that rugby is not a high priority for them and their bid reflected that. At the same time, following their joint bid with Sky being unsuccessful, the bid from BBC Nations (Wales, Scotland, NI together) was most disappointing and did not in any way reflect the value of the competition. Again, from a business model point of view, that may relate to the public statements by the Head of BBC Sport that their strategic direction is Olympic sport, though we have no way of knowing that for sure. The BBC bid was a Nations bid, there was no separate bid by BBC Wales for Wales rights only.

Conversely, Premier Sports and EIR business models do not include a significant football cost base and in addition to their superior bids to secure PRO14 they both confirmed their intention to making the competition their number 1 priority product which was a key factor in the decision of the Pro14 board. Pro14 Rugby will be their main priority sport, so will be prioritised in their broadcast platform, rather than being dictated to by transmission times, other sports and programming.

PRO14 will have greater editorial engagement in the style and tone of coverage and how the competition is projected to viewers, including the tone of the presenters. There will be additional investment in ‘magazine’ type programmes, both before and after each weekend, to add value and understanding of the game.

There is also a very significant commitment to marketing promotion of PRO14 outside their own platforms. There are targets to reach for subscribers via PRO14 so there is a mutual benefit in making this new relationship a big success.   MD said he felt the new deal was a ‘game-changer’ for PRO14 and that the new broadcast partners were working on making the coverage ‘fun’ and ‘energetic’ and believed there was more scope and freedom to create a great product on TV.

In addition to the very substantial uplift in revenue from the new agreements, Premier Sports coverage will give much easier access to PRO14 games on channels in England for the first time, reaching a wider audience, whilst every game being covered live will help lift International broadcast values, so there is a wider context to what is being done.

The new broadcasters have also made it clear that their stated aim is to sit down and work with each Club in the league to understand the differences “under the skin” and to identify what would suit their individual requirements re kick off times. This will be a significant help in resolving the frustration of match day scheduling, however it may prove difficult to satisfy everyone.

JSG asked if there is any progress in agreeing S4C coverage in addition to the Free sport Free to Air coverage already confirmed as part of the Premier agreement and MD confirmed that S4C had made their commitment clear throughout the negotiations, were doing all they could to reflect a fair value for coverage of the competition and he is hopeful Pro14 will be able to confirm local language arrangements for all countries, including Wales, now the main platforms are confirmed.

JSG asked if the broadcast changes meant that Pro14 can release the fixture schedule earlier, perhaps at the end of the season, to make it easier for supporters to plan their season. MD confirmed that the limiting factor in confirming scheduling is the two Welsh Regions who share grounds with football clubs as the Premiership and EFL rules mean that Football has priority. So PRO14’s hands are tied until the football fixtures are released in the 3rd week of June due to the Dragons and Ospreys’ ground sharing arrangements.

Because of that limitation, PRO14 intend to confirm fixtures in early July to the clubs for final approval – with fixtures being announced 6-8 weeks earlier than last year when the delay due to the negotiations for the entry of the SA teams meant fixtures could not be confirmed until mid-August.   

JSG asked if there was any concern that loss of BBC Wales coverage would impact on the crowds and profile of the PRO14 in Wales. MD confirmed that of course this would be tracked carefully but based on the experience of other sports and the explosion of digital communication, he did not believe that would happen. The supporter is choosing to consume content in very different ways, based on different age profiles and convenience, so the impact of conventional broadcast is not as great, particularly among the younger viewers who are the future. The Premier and Freesport platforms will mean that for the first time every Regions’ supporters can watch every game their Region plays at their convenience for less than the cost of a pint a week. That gives much more value to the supporters of the game and as always, they will be the ones that encourage others to attend or watch the games. At the same time the Free to Air coverage from Free sport and, hopefully, S4C will enable people who are unable to attend matches a selection of Pro14 rugby every single week at no cost.

When asked about any concern about affect on participation, MD suggested that participation is driven by activity on the ground in Clubs and schools as, practically, young people consume very little conventional TV, preferring other platforms and bite size digital clips. The new platforms provide Pro14 with much more opportunity to drive the digital marketplace and multiple delivery.                        

MD confirmed that based on his understanding the vast majority of the Regions’ key partners and local sponsors were very supportive of the new platform as they fully appreciate the financial challenges of the Professional game in Wales and recognise the need to secure increasing revenue to meet increasing costs.

Supporters also raised question of the subscription fees and was there a risk these prices would go up after year 1 and MD stated that whilst he understood the concern, he felt it was unlikely given that Premier Sports are seeking to build a subscription and customer base rather than lift revenue from a limited number of customers.


  1. Match Day Officials – PRO14

Once again there have been a lot of positive changes this season in the management, development and selection of Match Officials, however it is understandable that these will not be clear to supporters. Naturally, the implications of the SA clubs joining, with additional games and additional travel has been a challenge to manage within our pool of officials, some of whom are limited by their main employment.  Pro14 has been successful in accelerating its development programme, with several new referees introduced this season, though a combination of the more complex logistics and costs, together with a recommendation that we work with teams of officials that have a working relationship, has meant that we have not been able to implement full neutrality. From a Coaching point of view, the coaches are clear that their preference is for capability of officials, particularly referees, rather than neutrality. For the assistant referees the same applies, though the Referee Managers have recommended the officials “team” approach as most effective. However, there remains a perception amongst fans that officials are not always ‘neutral’ when they officiate, which is an issue for the competition regardless of reality. Greg Garner, the new PRO14 Elite Referee Manager from August 2017 has reviewed all the structures & processes in place and is continuing to plan improvements for next season. The changes made so far have been positive and welcomed by both referees and coaches, particularly the disciplined review process of each round of matches, which is completely objective, based on full analysis and shared with both referees and coaches. Given the massive contribution of Pro14 referees to European and International competition, Referee development continues to be of paramount importance, and next season will see 2 new referees from Scotland reach Pro14 level, 1 from Italy and 2 from SA, including one of their top referees. Greg continues to review the consistency of TMO decisions and performance, together with their neutrality of TMO’s, which is severely compromised by the fact that most TMO’s are limited in their ability to travel as they are all amateur. In addition, the multiple broadcast partners included in our previous model resulted in marked differences in the technology support provided to each TMO by broadcaster. This issue is removed by the new Broadcast platform. Greg is considering the creation of a “TMO panel”, working the same way as the “Referee panel” to grow the number of TMO’s and so the number of options, he is also reviewing the direction taken in the NFL, where a studio ‘bunker’ is utilised with a panel of 3, rather than an on-site TMO.


  1. Relationship with WRU and Regions

It was felt that this point had been adequately covered, so no other discussions took place on this issue on the agenda.


  1. AOB

Question was raised by CRYS16 re Dragons funding by the WRU. Some disquiet had surfaced with the conflict of interest as the WRU are now part owners of Dragons. MD made it clear that those concerns had been voiced and debated at length, but that the direction the WRU and the Regions are now taking together is resulting in a complete transparency across all 5 entities, including financial information. As the new structure evolves, based on clear & agreed objectives there should be no need for concern regarding fairness of treatment or potential conflict of interest. Dragons new Chairman and Board are making a significant contribution to the development of the new structure and being completely open with their business and rugby information. 


Meeting closed at 8.50pm.

We’ve been talkinmg to the Old Inn  in Penllergair and we’re pleased to annoucne that they can offer Ospreys Supporters a 15% discount off their food bill! The Old Inn already have a massive range of offers throughout the week we’resure supporters will see the value this can bring on top of what they already offer.

T’s & C’s
Available to ALL Osprey Season Ticket Holders (tickets must be in date)
Not available Xmas Day, Mothers Day & Easter Sunday
Must be inclusive of food (not snacks – so meals from our menus & specials boards)

The Old Inn
6 Swansea Road
Telephone 01792 894 097



